May 20, 2012

Lazy Sunday

     Not only did we have a lazy Sunday, but a lazy Saturday as well. We're almost over with our colds/allergies so resting sounded like a great idea for the past couple of days. We stayed home, napped, the girls played, we cleaned the playroom, Josh and I got to catch up on reading, we watched movies, Josh took the girls to the lake to feed ducks, I caught up on cleaning and laundry. It was a calm time that we all enjoyed and needed. Amaya has had a good night's sleep both nights which was a welcomed relief. Her hip pain has subsided and is more manageable. I'm not sure if the antibiotics are working or if it's just the pain from her fall that's going away or if dropping down to three turns or the extra layer of gauze that I've added to her top pins. Or maybe it was a combination of two or more of those. On Saturday we returned to four turns a day and so far it's going great. We have about eleven days left of turns (hooray!) but, we'll find out for sure tomorrow when we get new X-rays and see Dr. Nelson. If it is eleven days then we'll be done on May 31st, just three months after we started the lengthening. Several people have asked us if the fixator will be coming off once Amaya is done lengthening, but unfortunately she still has to wear the fixator for a few months, until her new bone hardens (about six months). It's exciting to be so close to the end (of this part at least). We know that we still have tough times ahead of us, but we're staying optimistic. Thank you all for being a part of this journey with us. Thank you for your kindness, calls, texts, prayers, care and concern.

Here's a photo of me and Amaya taken a few weeks ago at my sister in law's baby shower. I don't have very many photos of me with Amaya (especially with her fixator on), since I'm usually the one taking pictures. So I'm very thankful to have this one. 

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