After a great birthday Amaya had one of the worst nights she's had in a long time. She was moaning and crying from about eleven p.m. to one a.m. She was crying and gnashing her teeth, couldn't get comfortable, tossing and turning. It was so sad to see her in so much pain. I took turns massaging her knee and foot, gave her her next dose of Tylenol at midnight, which helped. I kept massaging her knee throughout the night. Sometimes just hugging her knee with my hand helps. In fact I'm doing it right now. I'm typing with my left hand and holding onto the right one. She's having a rough time sleeping but she's finally getting comfortable. She slept in our bed Monday night and she's back in here tonight.
Tuesday she woke up fine and went to school but was tired and sluggish. At therapy her muscles were tight, both to straighten and to bend. Usually its just one or the other. Melissa put new tape on her knee to help with the pain at night (but last night as she tossed and turned she peeled off the top layer). Melissa gave her extra time to do her bends since her knee was so stiff. Her knee was at fifty degrees to start, which is pretty good after a three day weekend. Amaya said, "let's do this!" then pushed hard. She got to ninety-one degrees in a minute forty-four. That was awesome! She said it didn't hurt too bad.
Last night was a bit better. She fell asleep by eight p.m. but was up at nine in pain. After ten she fell asleep and stayed out for the rest of the night. I was so tired and fell asleep about that time too. I'm still a bit tired so forgive any typos.
Today she went to school and at two thirty Josh called me saying that Amaya was hurt. He was at the other school site he services, but his co-worker called him. Amaya got hit on the pins during recess. She was playing with her friends. During a game of duck, duck, goose the "goose" ran and slid into his spot, and accidentally hit Amaya's top pins head on. A friend helped her walk to try to get Josh. His co-worker let him know she was upset, and her pins were bleeding. He talked or her and said she was pretty upset. I was about to leave to get her for therapy anyway so I grabbed Lidie and headed out the door. When Josh called my reactions were a mix of panic, sadness, upset, a bit sympathetic, and stressed. I can't explain how intense that minute was. As I was getting ready to leave Josh sent me a text to drive safe and to bring extra gauze. Ugh. I tried so hard to stay calm. Since it would take me half an hour to get there Josh left his school and went over to Amaya. They gave her Tylenol while she waited then he looked at her pins and although they had blood, they had stopped bleeding. She was scared that her pins might have gotten loose, but Dr. Nelson said that she'd have to hit them pretty hard for that to happen. On the drive down Lidie said she hates when Amaya's friends hurt her and that she hopes her pins were okay. She's very protective of Amaya. She said, "those kids are being too rough. I don't like people hurting Amaya's pins!" Amaya walked to her class with Josh to get her stuff and let her friends know that she was okay.
By the time I got to her school she was calm but still had tears across her cheeks. It was so sad to see. We headed to therapy and knew Melissa could look at the pins and let us know if they looked okay. Melissa looked at her pins then had her walk and said she looked okay. Amaya said her pain was at a two or three which is pretty good, considering.
Melissa had her do a regular days work of therapy: sit to stand, climbed up the ladder five times, rode the scooter down the hall, pulled herself on the red scooter, rode the bike, worked in the parallel bars then did some stretches before her big bends. When it was time for her bends she had a great attitude. Her knee was at fifty-three degrees to start and within seconds she was inn the eighties. She got to ninety-one degrees in only forty-two seconds! That's her fastest time yet!
Melissa stretching Amaya's knee on Tuesday.
Amaya doing knee bends on the total gym machine yesterday. Melissa had her bend her knee and then extend the leg.
I found this note on our refrigerator yesterday, pretty cute huh?
Look what I saw outside of the school library!
Melissa was teasing Amaya that she's going to have to start pulling her behind the bike because she's going so fast now.
After riding the bike she went to the adult gym and worked on the parallel bars. Melissa had her lunge to set the cones up, then step over them, then bend to pick them up. She was being silly in this video trying to skip a cone as she did it. On the way back to the kids gym a therapist, Jeremy noticed Amaya's top teeth were gone. He asked her about it. It was funny because I felt like when you see family that you don't always see then they do and they notice how you're growing up. Thats' how the therapist's are. Amaya started going there at five years old and now has been going for over six months straight. They're all a part of her life. They're watching her grow up.

Here's what her top pins looked like tonight after her shower. The top two still have a little bit of dried blood on them, but look okay otherwise. During her shower the gauze was stuck on the top pin and was pretty painful to remove. But she stayed calm and composed. She said her pain was till at a two or three, but that it mostly hurts when she sits because its putting pressure on the top pins. When she stands it isn't hurting her as much. Depending on how she feels in the morning we'll keep her home.
Tonight we had a rough time locking her bar in. I felt so bad for her and just wanted to give her a break after a rough week and day, but since her knee was hard to straighten I knew that not locking the bar in would only make it worse. She has to get her leg completely straight, where its stretching all the muscles under her leg to lock the bar in.
Here's a top view about twenty minutes later. After twenty minutes of painful stretches she still had a small ways to go before the bar reached the other bar to lock it in place. It took another very painful minutes to get there. Ugh, man. Some times I wonder how much more I can take. Seeing her in pain is torturous. But, she's so sweet and as I tucked her in to bed and was massaging her knee she said it was okay that I had to hurt her to lock the bar in. She''s starting to look forward to the day when her fixator will come off, so are we!