February 19, 2012

The power of friendship

     Yesterday we took the girls to the park for a play date with Amaya's friend Mason. Amaya and Mason have been friends ever since they were little (about eighteen months old). Since then they have remained close. They went to the same preschool, were in the same class a couple of years, and shared many great times over the years. He is a sweet, kind soul, and she's lucky to have him as a friend.
     Over the last few weeks she has been missing him a great deal and asking to see him. When we did arrange the playdate, she was so excited and looked forward to it anxiously. Over the last couple of months, as her surgery date approaches, Amaya has had many nightmares (mostly about zombies). Thinking of Mason, and dreaming of him (Amaya dreamed that Mason would teach the zombies how to be kind) has helped her calm down and sleep through the night. I'm so grateful for this. I wonder if Mason or his parents will ever know what his friendship means to Amaya, and us. He is such a sweet, calm kid and brings out the best in Amaya. Just thinking of him, calms her. With her upcoming surgery and all the anxiety that it raises in her, she's going to need lots of calming energy. She's already talking about showing him her fixator after she gets out of the hospital. After her last surgery, she made sure to go to his house first so that he could be the first person to sign her cast. They made a "date" to go get yogurt before and after the surgery(something positive to look forward to).
     We had such a nice time talking with Shannon (his mom), joking, and watching the kids play. It's so nice having great friends to count on; truly one of life's greatest gifts. I don't know how else we could survive without such great friends in our lives and in our kids lives.

Here is Mason and Amaya when they were eighteen months old. Aren't those cheeks so cute?

The kids were running down a hill, Mason was ahead (he says he runs fast because he runs "half the speed of a cheetah"). Man he makes us laugh!

What a sweet picture!

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