November 15, 2011

Another ouch

     Last night Amaya was playing in the living room with Lidie. They were letting go of a helium balloon that Lidie got at the grocery store then they would take turns jumping up and catching it. I watched them from the kitchen as I made dinner. They played for about twenty minutes until Amaya let out a loud cry of pain. That loud cry startled me and I wondered what she could have done to cause her that much pain. Amaya has a pretty high tolerance of pain and rarely cries out like that. She had jumped up to get the balloon and when she landed she said she heard and felt her left knee pop. She was barefoot, and not wearing her lift, so I wonder if maybe she put too much weight on it when she landed. She sat on the couch in pain for a few minutes while Lidie helped take care of her; bringing her a pillow and an ice pack.
     This is the second time Amaya's knee has popped since her surgery in January that has caused her pain (that I've seen, she said its happened more than that).  Not only does it hurt me and sadden me to see her in pain, but it also makes me worry and wonder. I begin to question, did something happen? Did she injure it? Did she undo something? Did something come loose? Why is she experiencing pain now when she never has before? All these questions just lead to more worry and stress and pain. It's a difficult cycle.
     Thankfully it's only two more days until we go see Amaya's orthopedic and have x-rays taken. Hopefully he can help answer some of these questions, make the pain go away and calm my fears. Hopefully.

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