Just six months after having her fixator removed Amaya participated in her first triathlon this past weekend. It was such an amazing day! I've been at a loss for words...trying to put all my thoughts, emotions and events of the day into words. So I apologize in advance if its a rambling mess.
During Amaya's lengthening and physical therapy we talked about the triathlon. We looked forward to it, and would talk about her therapy as training for the triathlon. It seemed so far away. I watched Amaya work had to ride a bike at therapy, struggle to bend her knee, and build up her time and stamina on the elliptical. Amaya has come a long way!
I was proud of Amaya for wanting to participate. She hasn't let her PFFD or her lengthening slow her down. Not one bit! Being able to walk, run, bike ride, and live a happy healthy life after such a tough year is great. Going out to challenge yourself to do a triathlon, well that's pretty amazing. The triathlon consisted of a quarter mile bike ride, followed by a quarter mile run then a twenty-five yard swim. I was surprised how quickly the kids went from one event to the next. There was no down time after each event. Amaya did great! She kept up her stamina, didn't tire and had fun. Her friend Mason asked if he could participate in the triathlon to be there with and for Amaya. What a great friend! Amaya has known him since they were babies. His calm, kind demeanor helped calm Amaya's nerves. She was so happy to have him by her side. They both had a great time and are excited to do it again next year. Lidie's looking forward to participating next year for the first time (once she learns how to swim this summer).
The night before the triathlon Amaya learned to ride her bike without training wheels! She has been practicing to ride a bike for weeks. But she was a bit nervous and unsteady. She had said she wanted to ride Lidie's bike since it was smaller and had steadier training wheels. Josh taught her then helped her practice and build her stamina so that she would be comfortable during the bike part of the triathlon. She rode for a minute, then two and built up to five minutes! She worked hard and never gave up. Even when she fell and scraped her knees. Her resilience is amazing! In one evening she learned how to ride!
While watching her ride I remembered all the times that she would trip and fall because her knee didn't have ligaments and was unstable. I thought of the times she tried to ride a tricycle but her left leg couldn't reach the pedal. And now here she is with a stable knee, with a femur that has grown 3.1 inches, with two feet flat on the ground. How can I explain what I'm feeling? I don't think I can. Sometimes words aren't enough. I am extremely grateful to Dr.Nelson, to the residents, to Melissa and the other therapists that have helped us. I'm amazed, I'm encouraged. I'm hopeful and proud. I'm happy, excited and sentimental.
Lidie making a sign to hold up to cheer on Amaya.
The girls loaded up and ready to go! We listened to the triathlon playlist that Josh created for Amaya. Can you guess what song was the first one on there? Yep, The Eye of the Tiger.
Enjoying a snow cone before the event.
A thumbs up before the start.
Amaya and Mason ready to go!
This video brings tears to my eyes. After riding their bikes Mason and Amaya came to the drop off area. Everyone was yelling and cheering the kids on to start running. Mason got his helmet off first and started running. But after taking only a few steps he stopped dead in his tracks and looked back for Amaya. He cheered her on and waited for her to catch up. And then for the next quarter mile he never left her side. He could have easily out run her, but instead decided to run beside her.
The night before the triathlon Amaya raced her sister, cousin and friend. She was slower than all of them. She was sad and worried that she would be slow at the triathlon as well. But what she didn't know was that Mason had decided, on his own, that the triathlon wasn't about a race, but about being there with and for Amaya. He had decided that he wouldn't leave her side for the entire event. And even in the midst of all the yells, cheers and confusion he remembered what he had set out to do. He remembered to be a good friend.
I'm grateful to him for his friendship and kind heart. Amaya is lucky to know him and count him among her closets friends. It was wonderful to see such a display of friendship. I'm proud of Mason. I couldn't be prouder. What a sweet guy!
At the end of the quarter mile run there was an obstacle course for them to run. Amaya said that was one of her favorite parts of the run.
After the obstacle course she took of her shoes and running clothes then ran to the pool for the swim.
Amaya and Mason waiting for their turn to swim. Mason let Amaya go in front of him.
You can only see the tops of Amaya and Mason's heads, but at least it gives you a visual of how far across they had to swim. They were so fast that they finished swimming across before most of the family got over to the pool area. Mason did the breast stroke all the way across. He's such a great swimmer.
After crossing the finish line Melissa walked Amaya over to get her medal.
I thought it was fitting that Melissa be the one to do it. After all the days of challenging, motivating, and instructing her and helping her get to this point.
Amaya getting her finishers medal.
Amaya with her medal.
Mason and Amaya.
Silly string! They were ambushed, and loved it.
Lidie couldn't help but try on Amaya's medal.
Melissa, Amaya's physical therapist, and Amaya. Melissa was sweet enough to come over and cheer Amaya on for the entire event. I overheard several of our family members go over and thank Melissa for all her help. Several of my aunts teared up while thanking her.
Amaya and Cotie Williams. Cotie is a program coordinator for PossAbilites. We're very grateful to Cotie for all her hard work to help create such great programs for PossAbilities.

Here's some of Amaya's cheering section. Amaya was happy to see so many people there to support her.
My aunts with Amaya and Mason. My aunts kept hugging Mason and thanking him for being such a good friend to Amaya.
Amaya with her Tia Amanda and cousin Sierra.
While Josh went to get the car to pick us up the girls enjoyed a snow cone (for a total of three for the day!).
I caught Amaya looking at some of the posters her family had made for her. "It made me feel, like good," she said.