February 21, 2013

Good Luck Caelan

    Yesterday we got a call from physical therapy asking if we could move today's appointment up by fifteen minutes. It wasn't a problem so we agreed. But, today even though I left with plenty of time I got caught behind a funeral procession and then arrived at Amaya's school while she was a recess. Those two things caused us to arrive ten minutes late to therapy. Ten minutes isn't a huge deal when you have a forty-five minute session. But when today's session was moved up they changed it to be with Jay and they only scheduled it for thirty minutes. Jay went ahead and took us anyway and gave us a quick session. He focused on the key things that Melissa had mentioned to him and asked me to finish the rest of the stretches at home. I told him that we're still doing our nightly therapy homework. He replied, "It shows." He said the atrophy in her left butt muscle was the only thing she still needs to work on. 
    We got to do quite a bit on those fifteen minutes but didn't have time for knee bends. But we did those and other work at home today. We only have two sessions of physical therapy left, can you believe it? I can't. I'm still in shock. 
After warming up by jumping on  the trampoline Amaya bending her knee up to her chest.
Then all the way down to the ground. 
Then with two pound weights on her leg she did thirty leg lifts. 
Then side leg lifts with the weights on. Jay had to help support her leg with this one.
Then Jay had her kneel on the mat to work on her balance. He had her tighten her butt muscle to help hold herself up.
She did well with that so he added a challenge for her. He had her reach for a bean bag form his hand then toss it across the room to make a basket.
Here's another look at her. You can see Lidie doing her "work." She set up some bowling pins for her to drive around then knock over with a lawn mower. She's funny!
Amaya doing high knees with the two pound weight on.
Then we went in the hall to run. Jay asked Amaya if she wanted to go up the hill and she happily said, "yes!" Then he asked if she wanted to run halfway down the hall or the entire hall. She said she wanted to do the entire hall. I was so happy she set such a high standard for herself. She ran the entire way down the hall, up the hill then back. She was so fast I had a hard time keeping up with them.
This is half of the hall that Amaya ran down and back. It's the most she's run at one time. 
      On our way out someone caught my eye in the adult gym. It was Caelan's mom, Cindy. I was so happy to see her because I had a reminder on my phone to email her today. Tomorrow is a BIG day for Caelen and his family. He is getting his fixators removed. He has had one on each femur for the past few months to turn his femurs. He's missed school, and worked hard at therapy these past few months. He and his family have worked hard and sacrificed a lot these past few months. 
    We got to talk to his mother and little brother while he finished his therapy session. Cindy and I talked about treatment plans for the kids and shared our amazement and appreciation for Dr. Nelson. I tried to give them some idea of what it would be like when the fixators come off. We're so happy that they're time with his fixators is done. Cindy and I got to compare notes. There's an empathy and understanding that only someone who has walked in your shoes can give you. She knows what pin site cleaning and gauze changing is like. She knows how tough therapy sessions can be, not only for the patient but for a mom watching, and for the four year old sibling who gets antsy. Since I know what life with a fixator is like I have a great deal of empathy and sympathy for Caelan and his family. I told him what we've said to Amaya, 'once you've survived a fixator you can survive anything.' He's proven his strength, endurance and courage. We're hoping once he recovers from his surgery that we can meet up with his family and hang out. Out in the parking lot I got a picture of Caelan and Amaya, fixator friends. 
   Please send your thoughts, prayers and love to Caelan and his family. We wish them a speedy recovery. We're proud of you Caelan!

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