February 12, 2013

Two donuts

This is what Amaya's heel looked like this morning after I taped it. Since the bedsore is getting smaller (that's great news) I've been using a smaller amount of gauze and tape.
Amaya started by doing five minutes on the elliptical. She went so fast that it seemed like the five minutes went by so fast!
Then Amaya climbed up and down the ladder five times. Melissa still spots her because she get a little wobbly sometimes.
Then Melissa had Amaya walk up and down the hall doing high knees while wearing a 1.5 pound weight on each ankle.
Then Melissa asked Amaya to do side leg lifts with the weights. Amaya had a hard time so Melissa helped her.
Then Amaya did some kicks with the weights on. She did really well. Back in November she couldn't use any weights at all, so this a huge improvement!
Then she did backward leg lifts with the weights on. Look at how high  her leg got with the weight on! Amaya said it was hard work, but she was able to do it.
Then Melissa had her do side leg lifts without her weighs on.
Then Melissa had Amaya walk on the balance beam. She pulled this one out because its the most narrow and the hardest to balance on. Both girls did it and did great!
Melissa asked Amaya to pull herself on the stools. Amaya asked if they could race. Lidie joined in on foot and won. Amaya did a great job bending her knee to pull herself forward.
Then Amaya jumped on the trampoline while trying to jump and and give Melissa a high five. Melissa had her do that ten times.
     Then it was time for her knee bends. Her starting number was 123, one less than Friday's number. On her next bend she got to 130! That was awesome! She did so great! I asked if maybe she could get 137, or 138, but she said "hey, maybe I can get 140!" I said, "I dare you!" Then added, "I'll buy you two donuts if you do." "Really?!" She asked. I said "sure, but maybe not at the same time." This was the motivation she needed. She kept bending her knee until she got 136, 137, 138, and then got 140! Can you believe it?! That's five degrees past her therapy goal, and the highest number since last March 6th. We were amazed! Melissa said she was going to email Dr. Nelson since she was so impressed. 
   After we left we went to get her her donut. She was so happy. She definitely deserved it! We took her to school then Lidie and I headed home. Then the mountain we live on was on lock down due to police activity. Because of that Josh and Amaya were locked off the mountain. Once the road finally opened up Josh called me and said they were going to go by Urgent care first. Apparently Amaya was skipping then tripped and fell. She hurt her hand. She said it was a ten (in terms of pain) when she fell and then a five or six about fifteen minutes later. I'm hoping its not broken. Josh said it stated to bruise up and she couldn't grip or pick anything up with it. Ugh. I'll keep you posted on her hand.

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