March 26, 2012

Some rest for mom

     Today I woke up feeling so tired and a bit sick to my stomach. Lidie had a tummy bug yesterday so I hope I didn't get it too. Thankfully Josh decided to stay home (he has some sick days stored up and non-work days that he has some flexibility in using as well, which is really nice). I was able to sleep in for an extra hour and a half, and it felt great. When I woke up the girls were upstairs and had already eaten. Amaya was watching TV and Lidie was playing dolls. When I came up I gave Amaya her medicine then got her ready for her physical therapy appointment. Josh started shoveling the driveway, thankfully we didn't get a lot of snow last night. I still felt tired so I asked Josh if he would take Amaya to physical therapy and I would stay home with Lidie. This is the first session I've missed since she started, and it felt weird not going.
     It felt so good to stay home and catch up on my reading. My book club meets this weekend and I haven't finished my book yet. I'm sure they'll "let me off the hook" since I've been a tad busy. But, I really enjoy the book and would love to finish it before then.
     After physical therapy Josh and Amaya went to Target to replenish her gum supply (her new favorite thing). It was nice having some one on one time with Lidie. I haven't had any quality time with her since the surgery, and she needs it too, just as much as Amaya. We played dolls, ate soup, watched a show cuddled on the couch, and ate vegan jello. She's a really funny kid and it's nice to see her growing up. These past few weeks have demanded a lot from her. She's had to be patient, kind, gentle, mature, and adjust to a new schedule and routine. She's also had to wait and learn to keep busy while I take care of Amaya. For a little sister, she's been having to act like a big sister. It's funny because she's the same age that Amaya was when Lidie was born. Amaya became a big sister and had to do some of the same things that are now required of Lidie. Especially when Lidie had to be admitted into the NICU for three days (when she was a week old). It's nice to see both girls be able to step up to the new expectations, responsibilities and be able to adapt so well. They're amazing girls! It's easy to forget that they're only six and three years old. They sure do make me proud.
     After Josh brought Amaya home he had to go in to work for an IEP after school. What a dedicated teacher he is! I'm so thankful to be on this journey with him, he's an amazing person, husband, father and teacher. Josh and Amaya reported that she did great at physical therapy and was able to get her knee bent to 105 degrees. I was a bit worried since her knee was so stiff yesterday. I guess all that bending yesterday paid off.
     Josh and Amaya made a goal of having a "five star day" where she cooperates during her therapies, medications, turns, shower and gauze changing. I could tell a huge difference today because she was very helpful and cooperative. Today would have been a five star day except for the screaming during her shower. But she came close and is making it her goal to have one tomorrow. Another goal she set for herself was to reach 111 degrees on her knee bends. I'm not sure that's possible since 106 is the highest we've had since we left the hospital, but its "always good to have high goals" says dad. She did have 120 degrees the day after surgery, so maybe it's possible. We'll see.   
     Today she said two interesting things to me. One, she asked if her fixator was real or if it was a dream. I told her that it was real, all of it. It's funny because she has been saying that and wondering about that ever since her surgery. It's sad to think that some of this doesn't make sense to her. Josh and I think maybe we should have her talk with a counselor. She responds well with outside help so maybe that would be a good option for her. I'll make some calls tomorrow and see if we can schedule an appointment for her. The second thing was when she asked me if you could see all the way into her body to her bones and guts thru the pin holes. I told her that no you can't. I told her that they weren't holes, like normal holes. I told her they were pin sites, not pin holes. I described what they looked like and offered her to see the pictures I took. She decided against seeing the pictures, but did seem calmer and understood the pin sites a bit better. Poor kid, no wonder they freak her out so much, she thinks you can see inside her body. That would bother me too.  But, her willingness to talk about it gives me hope that she's dealing with and starting to process it all. Once again, she's only six. Some things just don't make sense.
   We realized that next Monday she goes back on track at school. It's crazy to think that we're three weeks out of surgery and by then it'll be four. As of now we're planning for her to go. She won't be there all day since she has physical therapy appointments each day, so hopefully she won't be too tired at the end of the day. She really enjoys school and we think going would be a positive thing for her. On another note, I got a call from Marylou today letting me know that she's processed the forms necessary for Amaya to get her x-rays at her upcoming appointments with Dr. Nelson. That's great! Not only did Marylou take care of this upcoming Monday's appointment but the next six appointments as well (see what I mean when I say she's great?!). One less thing to worry about, thank you Marylou!

Our latest friend to get a fixator. I have a feeling many toys will get them around here.

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