December 10, 2012

Uploading photos

     I haven't been able to write Friday's blog post because I've been busy the past few days watching my nephew Nixon, among other things. Over the weekend I had to upload my photos from my phone because I had filled the memory. In fact on Friday I could barely take any pictures because the memory was full. In fact I had to delete some photos on the spot to make room for new ones. I had over eight hundred photos since October first. It was so crazy to see them all upload onto the computer. Some were from when Amaya  still had her fixator on. It was weird, crazy, and unbelievable to see (in photos) just how much life has changed in a few short months.
  On our way out of therapy a lady looked at me, smiled and said, "you have your hands full!" I just smiled. I also forgot to mention that I had received an email from our friend Alison in New York. She was checking in to see how Amaya was healing and recovering from her fixator removal. She said that it took her about six months after the removal to get her walk back. Which was encouraging, since Amaya is still struggling with it. She said she had a limp for six months. It was very kind and thoughtful of Alison to think of Amaya and ask about her. We've made such great friends along this journey. Thank you all. 
   Also, please keep our good friend Rory in your thoughts and prayers. She had her super hip, super knee surgery last week and is still recovering. She's only two years old and its a lot for her and her parents to deal with. We love you Rory!
Nixon decided to sleep for the fist part of therapy. 
Melissa had Amaya lift her leg up several times, but it was so easy for her that Melissa put a 1.5 lb. weight on her ankle and had her lift it ten times. Amaya said it wasn't that hard. While Amaya was sitting up there Melissa massaged Amaya's scar tissue. She said that where its indented (on her hip and above the knee) its because the scar tissue has attached to her tendon. Melissa said its very important to aggressively rub the area to help release the scar tissue. Melissa said it might not completely release it all from the tendon, but it will help prevent it from attaching more.
Next Amaya worked in the adult gym doing leg presses. Melissa had her bend as much as she could and straighten her legs as much as she could. As we walked into the adult gym one of the ladies that works there looked at us, smiled and said, "hey you're little thing is gone!" I laughed and said, "yeah. Her not so little, little thing." The lady laughed. 
Here's Amaya walking on the machine. She had 40 lbs. on the machine that she was lifting. She went back and forth five times. 
 Lidie decided she needed to show Amaya how to do it. So here she is walking with her. It was very sweet and cute.
Then Melissa had her walk sideways. 
Amaya rode the elliptical again. She did a 1/4 mile in five minutes! Nixon woke up during this and he just stared at Amaya. He was mesmerized by the machine and Lidie (who was doing jumping jacks, as part of her "therapy").
Amaya laying on a mat while Melissa measures the bend of her knee. Amaya was able to get her knee to 104 degrees! 
Back in the children's gym Amaya sat down on the step and got a good bend in her knee.
Then Melissa showed us a stretch she wanted Amaya to do for homework. She said to do three sets of ten, which we have been doing every night before bed. 
Amaya leaning and throwing balls at Savannah Rose. It's funny because Nixon, who was there with us was going to be named Savannah Rose, until they realized (very late int the pregnancy) that she was really a he. And that's why Amaya named the painting on the wall Savannah Rose.

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