January 6, 2012

January 7, 2011

     It just hit me a few minutes ago that today marks the one year anniversary of when Amaya had her super knee procedure done. In fact,  at this time last year we were in the pre-op room waiting for her to be taken back into surgery. They eventually wheeled her back at about three thirty. As she was wheeled away  my heart sank. A feeling I'll never forget. It was a mix of emotions, but so intense. All I could do was cry and hug Josh. We got updates from a pager that the hospital provided. Thirty minutes after Amaya was taken back we got a page saying that the surgery had begun (we were told that would happen when the first incision was made), which was just heart wrenching. The next two hours we sat, ate, walked, hugged and talked. Just trying to fill the time.  We were in a bit of a haze; numb to the world, overwhelmed, optimistic, nervous.
     Somehow we survived that day, that night, and each day since. Some moments were difficult, some trying, some wonderful. But, we survived. We owe a huge amount of gratitude to the many people who helped Amaya, and us. Family, friends, co-workers, teachers, who all gave love, kindness, support and strength to us as individuals and as a family. We will never forget the kindness and love extended to us.  Thank you all.

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